Join the estate’s hunting team

Experience well organised hunting with meals in pleasant company on grounds with unique land consolidation in Småland!

Hunting offered at Hofmantorp

During the hunting season we offer you ten hunting events of varying type. You can choose to participate in one or more of these, or all. Our ambition is of course that you will enjoy it and want to come back! We also welcome guests who don't have much hunting experience. We have the resources for coaching and training.

Traditions and social aspect

Our tradition also includes having a good time together. We serve lunches during the hunting day and coffee break between the drives. The program also includes one overnight stay. If you have far to travel we offer bed and breakfast prior to the hunting date. There are always opportunities for [control firing/testing?] of rifles, as well as gun cabinets for keeping weapons safe.

Core values

We arrange hunting in the traditional manner of an old manor house in Småland, with high ambitions when it comes to long-term wildlife management, ethics and respect for wildlife. The number of animals we hunt is related to the yearly allowance for each species respectively.


We take responsibility for all the preparatory work (wildlife management, stock taking, planning, maintenance of stands, etc.), the undertaking of hunting (hunting management, organisation, maps, dogs, slaughter, meals, etc.) and for all after work (the collection and processing of wild game, etc.). We have a private game slaughterhouse and trained personnel.


IFor all participants to have good chances and a pleasant experiences, we do not accept more than a dozen at each hunting event. In June those who expressed the wish to be on our mailing list will receive, by e-mail, the entire program for the coming hunting year, and then the detailed invitation to every hunt a few weeks in advance. As a customer you then notify us when you wish to participate and in what hunting event.


As a guest, you get all this served, and need only to have the personal equipment required, including a good hunting radio for 155 wavelength and we also expect you at every hunting event to have with the correct license to use weapons and proof of payments for state hunting license and hunting insurance. We encourage the participation of several hunts through discounts to those who pre-register for all or some hunts. These customers then have priority for participation.

Brief description of Hofmantorp Manor

The estate is located in southern Småland, about 2.5 miles southeast of Växjö along road 25 towards Kalmar, southwest of the village Hovmantorp. The land is largely made up of peninsulas in Lake Rottnen, resulting in an unusually good land consolidation for hunting. The area is about 1,000 hectares, of which about 800 hectares have productive forests, about 30 have fields, baits and pastures and about 170 have swamps, marshes, islands and ground for the caring of nature and wildlife. The owner family's commitment to wildlife, conservation and hunting for the past 150 years has left its mark on the land. No public roads are within the estate. Belonging to the estate is also about 1,000 hectares of water all in lake Rottnen. Fishing - especially crayfish - and related activities are of great importance. Hunting guests have good opportunities to also rent various types of fishing equipment and accommodation. In addition to the main buildings there are a number of cottages and cabins. In the wing building to the manor house there are extension possibilities and lounges.

An overview of our game animal populations

Good boar tribe, established for many years. A suitable firing right now is about 20 animals per year. 

A normal moose population currently produces a firing of about 4 animals per year.

Roe deer population is good. Assessment of appropriate firing is done during the season, but at least 15 animals. Currently, plenty of European hare, while the mountain hare population is weak. 

We keep the feeding and release a particular asset on the mallard, possibly some less hunting a year.

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If you have any questions, please contact:

Frederik Kjellson + 46 (0) 70 622 57 59

Johan Kjellson + 46 (0) 70 554 00 69


Hovmantorps Säteri,
360 51 Hovmantorp

If you have any questions, please contact:

Frederik Kjellson + 46 (0) 70 622 57 59

Johan Kjellson + 46 (0) 70 554 00 69

Hovmantorps Säteri,
360 51 Hovmantorp